milk Cartons - IdeaPling

milk Cartons (55 plings)

Chickens milk carton house
This is the lanterns we made light fest!
Gulerotplanter in rabbits
Play with colors and numbers
Ice sculpture we made to Sami day
House for the three little pigs
Reusing milk cartons and yogurt/smoothie corks
Gingerbread houses made possibly milk cartons
The Advent calendar in the department
Farm using recycled materials
We have made birdhouses from milk cartons in the department
A whole house made of milk cartons
Picture 1: milk cartons cut into strips
A creative idea for making the milk carton
Is at home and has large-scale production
Our theme is Cardamom town and friendship
From milk cartons to building blocks
Let me create
Easy and very cheap to make
The theme is Water
We have discussed the topic of planets and the universe!
After a lot of interest in shipwrecks
A few empty milk cartons and some
Bird feeders
Isborg gets into the
The children in the toddler ward have
A city made of painted milk cartons
Ice Age
We have made fire trucks
homemade "memory"
Soon Easter and the chickens are in place
Had water is poured one melkartong
Easter Troll
Vannuke in kindergarten
Christmas card with snowman made
Milk carton and cress
Cress baskets made of milk carton
Snowman Kalle of corks
The first self-made Christmas gifts
Juldekorasjon from milk carton
Washbay of milk carton and pipe cleaners
Bird feeders
Milk cork letters
A classic - watercress in a milk carton
Gruffalo move into
Cardamom town of milk cartons
Kardemommeby of milk cartons
Lanterns from milk cartons
Creative reuse
Feed the birds
Three little pigs
Theme: The three goats roar.